
  • Deskrizzjoni tal-Prodott 1. Nista 'nuża 250 qasir f'każ ta' rack 4U biex nappoġġja 170 * 215 Motherboard? Iva, qasir 250 jappoġġja 170 * 215 Motherboards u huwa kompatibbli ma 'Chassis Rack 4U. Id-disinn kompatt tal-250 qasir jippermettilha tidħol perfettament f'każ ta 'rack 4U mingħajr problemi. 2. X'inhu d-daqs tal-motherboard li jappoġġja 170 * 215? Jappoġġja 170 * 215 Motherboards u għandu daqs kompatt ta '250mm x 170mm x 215mm (tul x wisa x għoli). Dan jagħmilha ideali għal rack kompatt Mount Bo ...
  • Product Description Do you need a high-quality precision measuring instrument 4U pc wall mount case? Toqgħodx lura! Our company offers a wide range of high-precision measuring instruments designed to meet the needs of professionals in various industries. Our PC wall mount enclosures are specially designed to provide convenience and protection for your precision measuring instruments. For precision measuring instruments, accuracy and reliability are crucial. That's why ...